A few weeks ago a certain blog caught my eye that was linked off of Justin Taylor's Between Two Worlds. Then just this past week Tim Challies awarded this blog his distinguished King for a Week. This blog that I am talking about is the IrishCalvinist.com. The author's name is Eric, he is a pastor at a Baptist church out in Nebraska- I have not listened to any of his sermons, as my ears do not have the time to hear all of Joel Beeke's, John Piper's, Derek Thomas's, and Teddy Donnelly's on the web. But I do have time to read his words as I take a break from my studies. His goal for blogging is that his readers would be more impressed with Jesus Christ.
This past week a few words hit me like a 2x4. He writes,
"Too many people today look at Jesus upon the cross like a spiritual piƱata that God has set forth to take a beating so all of us good kids could get all the candy we deserve. This is heresy! Jesus Christ willingly hanging upon the wooden cross in utter humiliation while also maintaining and displaying all of his manifold perfections is the indictment upon all of our manifold imperfections. He is there because we are so bad.
So look at him and see everything you are not but, by grace, long to be. Love him because he is so different to you. Love him because he is so appealing to you. Love him because upon that cross heaven’s artillery was emptied upon him that the reservoir of mercy and grace might justly be opened to you."
Robert Murray Mc'Cheyne once said, "for every look of yourself, look ten times to Christ."
Check it out... I believe you will see Christ magnified and exalted
Look, See, and Behold!
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