

::about the site

Thank you for stopping by Relentless Grace. It is my desire that as you read these words on this site, you will be encouraged in your own personal walk with Christ, if you do not have one - I hope that you may come to know Christ more fully and deeply in a way that you can only experience when He is your lover and savior. May Christ be glorified and may you see the Cross and the relentless grace shown to sinners.

::about me

My name is Robbie Schmidtberger, and am the worst sinner that I know. Living in the Pittsburgh area is an eye opening experience as I learn daily of how much mankind needs redemption. My fulltime job is a student at Grove City College as a religion major. On the side I am an assitant to Dr. Iain Duguid, who is one of the best preachers I have ever heard. A lot of what you read on this site are ideas from books (textbook and fun books), sermons, classes and daily experiences as I seek to know Christ more fully and trust in His precious work, along with a personal twist of my life. (movies, friends and job related things)

::about the name

Admittingly I got the phrase from one of Dr. Duguid’s book titles. (Living in the Grip of Relentless Grace, published by P&R) As I read the book and studied God’s word I came to see God’s love for His people as relentless. He pursues us and His commitment to His bride is unwavering, even after she runs away and worships money, sex and pride. He holds me in His hand and refines me very carefully that I may be a reflection of His being and character.

This grace that God gives us is amazing. God bestows Grace upon those He loves and the manner in which He does is like a hound chasing a boar in a great medieval hunt, this grace that is shown to unworthy men and women, of which I am one of them… this grace is nothing less than Relentless. Welcome to Relentless Grace.


Anonymous said...

Just a quick note to say thanks for your ministry! It was fun to overlap on so many favorite books AND have a Karamoja-friend-missionary-overlap too.

(All thanks to a quick Google search I did on Ligon Duncan. Small world, eh?)

God bless you and thanks again!

Your sister in Christ,
Tara Barthel

Ρωμανός ~ Romanós said...

Now that the links on blogger are working, I'm going thru the blogs of people who share interests with me. This was thru our common interest in Hebrew. I read this "About…" post and I'm leaving a comment, even tho this post is old. I just want to encourage you as a fellow Christian and follower of Jesus Christ. It's a real blessing to know that young men like you exist, and that you have suitable and faithful mentors nearby. Keep loving the Lord, His Word and His people, brother, and go with God!