
reading brochure

Here is the recommended reading brochure for Christ Presbyterian Church (The ARP church plant here in Grove City) that I worked on a few weeks ago. It will be on the CPC website, along with sermons and other goodies.



Sam DeSocio said...

Four suggestions:
1.Drop the black border around the headings.
2.Increase the size of the font in the headings, and make them all share the same alignment. I would tell you to put the font so high that the top of the white words pour out over the white space "opening the letters"
3. I would Italicize the subheading like "Evangelism".

Also let someone edit this, I noticed some a few Capitalization errors. "A faith worth sharing"

4. make all the text right justified text. and make sure that the blue box lines up with the right side of each text column.

Robbie Schmidtberger said...

Thanks! Any books you would add to the list? (Being careful to avoid Harris and Driscoll books because of the misconceptions or realizations people have of their works.)

Anonymous said...

I like it. I haven't read most of these, so I'll have to get reading.

I don't remember John Frame writing a book titled The Reason for God. Is that supposed to be Tim Keller?

Robbie Schmidtberger said...

true, Keller wrote that superb book.. its excellent. This is why i need to get someone to proofread it..... the revised copy will be up after papers and finals.