

I write," says Ted Donnelly, "as one who, for a lifetime, has sung unaccompanied praise to God. It puts us on our mettle, makes us depend on each other, for there is no fallback - singing or silence! And it can be wonderful! No equipment needed, no obtrusion of human talents, no controversy, nothing to distract from the glorious words - just the voices of the redeemed harmoniously worshipping the Lord. It is my prayer that the following pages may persuade more of God's people to experience in Christ this liberating simplicity. 'Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name' (Heb.13:15)."

These words were written for a new book on worship [I still need to check it out] which can be found at Simon Publishing.

Here is a Trust review